How Long Can We Keep Detox Water In The Fridge

Detox water is a great drink to hydrate and refresh yourself. But have you ever wondered how long can we keep detox water in the fridge, and keep it as refreshing and tasty as it was?

So how long can we keep detox water in the fridge? Detox water can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days. However, you should always drink unrefrigerated infused waters the same day of infusing. Infuse the water for 1-2 hours at room temperature or in the fridge for 3-4 hours to achieve the potent flavor and watercolor. If you infuse for 4 or more hours, be sure to remove any fruits and herbs from the water and then store them in the fridge.

Do you like your water really fruity and tangy? You can infuse your water overnight or up to 12 hours in the fridge. Removing the infused fruits from the water will prevent the fruit from decomposing in the water and potentially creating undesirable flavors. Drinking the water the same day or next day is optimal, but you can drink your refrigerated infused waters within 3 days of infusing.

Generally, citrus fruits such as lemons will last longer in your infused water than fleshy fruits such as honeydew. In fact, lemon and lime are natural preservatives and can help to keep an infused water tasting and looking fresh. Do be cautious with citrus rinds, as they can create bitter flavors after just a few hours. I would suggest to simply cut the rinds off of the citrus fruits before infusing them.

How Long Can We Keep Detox Water In The Fridge


Detox Water Can Have Many Health Benefits, Like

  • Balances the pH of our body.
  • Improves digestive health.
  • Boosts immune function.
  • Improves mood.
  • Increases energy levels.
  • Help’s with weight loss.
  • Help’s remove toxins.

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Some Easy Detox Water Recipes To Get You Started

Name Ingredients
Lemon Mint Water 3-5 Wedges of lemon

3 sprigs of mint

1 Glass of water

Lemon Blueberry Water 3-5 Wedges of lemon

10 fresh blueberries

1 Glass of water

Cucumber Lemon Water 3-5 Wedges of lemon

4 slices of cucumber

1 Glass of water

Lemon Ginger Water 3-5 Wedges of lemon

3 slices of fresh ginger root

1 Glass of water

Hibiscus Basil and Lemon water Dried hibiscus flowers

3-5 Wedges of lemon

3 sprigs of basil

1 Glass of water

Coconut Water with Lemon and Mint 3-5 Wedges of lemon

3 sprigs of Mint

1 Glass Coconut water

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Some Tips And Tricks To Help You Keep Your Detox Water Tasty And Fresh For Long


Reason To Drink Infused Water

Apart from the fact that infused waters taste divine and can be customized and modified according to your personal choices and tastes, it has a whole bunch of other benefits. Technically, it’s calorie-free, and it’s suitable for anyone that wants to keep track of their sugar intake without sacrificing the flavors of the beverages. Because infused water is naturally very low in sugar, it’s much gentle to your teeth than fruit juice or soda is. 

Children love it, and it is so much better for their health than the sugary concoctions they demand. Also, it has so many flavor options. Infused waters make hydration easy, for its fresh taste is so delicious.

How Long To Infuse The Water

For the best results, Infuse for 1-2 hours at room temperature. If you want to keep it in the fridge you can infuse it for 3-4 hours for the best flavor and color. If you want your infused water to be extra flavourful, you can infuse it for up 12 hours

Remember, If you are keeping it out of the fridge for more than 4 hours, be sure to remove the fruits and herbs from the water and then store it in the fridge for up to 3 days or consume it within 12 hrs. Removing the fruits and herbs from the water will prevent it from decomposing and potentially spoiling the flavor and color of your detox water.

How Long Can We Keep Detox Water In The Fridge?

Drinking the infused water the same day or the next day will give optimal results, but you can also drink refrigerated infused water within 3 days of it being infused. Although, you should always drink unrefrigerated infused water the same day of infusing it. Infused water isn’t like the commercial fruit juices that can be bought in the stores, these beauties aren’t pasteurized or dumped with preservatives. Infused water is meant for fresh consumption, similar to the very fruits you are putting into them.

Usually, citrus fruits, such as lemons, last longer in your infused water rather than fleshy fruits, such as honeydew. As a matter of fact, lemon and lime are natural preservatives and will help you keep your infused water looking and tasting fresh. Although, be cautious of the citrus rinds, for they can create an unpleasant bitter flavor after just a couple of hours. My personal favorite tip is to cut the rinds off of citrus fruits before infusing them to avoid the above.

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How To Make Detox Water Last Longer

If you drink infused water often, you can actually reuse your fruits from your previously infused water. Let’s say If you made a pitcher with strawberries, raspberries, and mint. If you drink the whole pitcher in a day and still have the ingredients. Feel free to make another pitcher, and the fruits will need to soak a little longer to give the same amount of flavor. It’s unlikely that the fruit will have gone bad by then.

Monitor the freshness of your ingredients and treat them like any other fruit in the kitchen. Toss them out if they start going bad.

Keep in mind. They’ll last longer if you keep the pitcher in the fridge.

Whether To Use Hot Or Cold Water

Some of the infusion products there are may ask you to pour boiling water over your fruit. Although this method may be helpful for producing fast and furious results, it’s always better to use cold or room temperature water. Hot water will destroy many of the fragile enzymes and vitamins present in fruit that are very beneficial and important to your health. Hot water will also result in your fruit falling apart and will make it look a lot less pretty. Hence, be sure to use cold or room temperature water for infusion.

How Important It Is To Use Organic Fruit And Herbs

Using organic products is extremely important for infusing fruits along with the rind. If not so, you could be drinking pesticide residue, which is obviously harmful to your health. If in case you are unable to get access to organic produce, just cut off the rinds or skins of your fruits. If that is not possible, rinse your fruits well using a soft Fruit and Vegetable Brush or rinse well with water, using your fingers to rub on the fruit. This will help you clean the fruit to a great extend.

Nutritional Benefits To Drinking Infused Water

Nutrients directly leak out of the fruit into the water. Many nutritionists say that you get about 20% of the vitamin content of freshly squeezed fruit juice and that too without the extra calories or fructose. Along with that, the fruits are rich in antioxidants, so that means that you’re also consuming a variety of naturally occurring antioxidants when you drink infused water. It’s basically like making your own “vitamin water” but without the big cost or all the hidden ingredients. Some types of teas like green tea or chamomile are also rich in antioxidants, hence, adding tea to your recipes just adds to the goodness.

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Before you finish reading this post you might wanna check out some Detox related products recommended by The Reds Cafe, which will add up to your Detoxing experience.

Some Other Properties Of Infused Waters


Can You Eat The Fruit After Infusion?

You can eat the infused fruits, but the flavor may be a little different compared to fresh fruits, and also the color will be different. This is because the juices from the fruits leak into the water and make your infused water taste good. You can eat strawberries as they may still be a bit sweet, but most fruits become rather bland and tasteless after being used for infusion.

Can Dried Or Frozen Fruits Be Used

You can use frozen fruits, but don’t expect a good flavor and they will also break into small pieces in your water very often.
Do not use dried fruits, you simply won’t get any result or flavor from them.

Do We Need To Use Distilled Water

No, but do use filtered water. Using water directly from the tap will give you terrible taste and results.
For both flavor and health reasons use some kind of filtration.

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How Can I Infuse My Water Faster?

Fruits will release their flavor and color faster if left at room temperature. If you are in a rush you can infuse your ingredients at room temperature for a few hours and then put the infusion in the fridge. You should not drink fruit-infused water that has been sitting out at room temperature for more than 12 hours, as it will become a breeding ground for mold and bacterias, visibly it won’t look any different. Refrigeration is the Key.

Why Do I Get A Bitter Taste In My Infused Water?

This is most likely due to some seed or rind that is in your infused water. To avoid the bitter flavor, simply cut the rind off with a knife before infusing it. Or simply avoid using fruits with rinds for over 4 hours. If you use your lemon slices with rinds for 3 days, you will end up with bitter water which you can’t even sip.

How Many Times Can The Fruits Be Re-used In An Infused Water?

Every time you re-use the fruit in the infused water, you lose flavor. The trick is to add more water to your container when the original batch of water is halfway down. Here you mix the flavorful water with the new water. Fruits with strong flavors, like lemon, pineapple, and orange, are the best options for multiple uses. Berries, melons, and fleshy fruits are not ideal for they decompose rather quickly.

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